Archived Episodes
Encore: Who Is It That Can Tell Me Who I Am?
Who am I? Am I my name, my body, my thoughts and feelings, maybe a combination of all of them or am I something else entirely? Join Sarah as she asks the important questions, and helps us find a way to an answer.
Encore: The One and Only Thing Over Which We Have Absolute Control
The wise tell us that the only thing we can control is our attitude, the emotional response to events. And they also tell us that mastery of this gives us control of everything else! Join Sarah as she spreads the g...
The Abundant Creative Universe – Is This Where You Live?
For a long time there has been an idea of lack and that we need to compete for scarce resources. An alternative idea is now gaining strength: that the universe is endlessly creative and abundant. Join Sarah as she ...
The True (and Easy) Secret to Happiness and Success: Gratitude
We all want to grow and expand and live the life of our dreams. Many struggle to find the key that will unlock the path to fulfillment. Join Sarah as she shows you how to master the simple technique of focussing yo...
The Silent Witness
We can live our lives by trying to improve the stories we tell ourselves, but is that our ultimate real purpose? Is there another path for us, that leads out of anxiety, getting and spending? Join Sarah as she delv...
The Stories We Tell Ourselves
Our lives are self-created by the stories we tell ourselves. These stories, healthy and creative, or the opposite, set up a filter through which we experience the world. Join Sarah as she delves into the power of t...
Transformative Suggestions to Bring Peace and Hope
Hopelessness and desperation afflict both young and old these days. What practical steps can we take to move from a place of fear and weakness to one of strength, confidence and hope for the future? Join Sarah as s...
Empower Yourself with Wisdom
In order to move from darkness to light we need wisdom. Wisdom is not just deep knowledge, but it carries an empowering, motivating force for real change. Join Sarah as she discusses the empowering force of wisdom ...
Resilience: the Power to Bounce Back
In challenging times we may feel we lack the power to influence events, but we can develop inner resilience which allows us to bounce back. The first step is to realise we all possess the strength to meet eve...
The One and Only Thing Over Which We Have Absolute Control
The wise tell us that the only thing we can control is our attitude, the emotional response to events. And they also tell us that mastery of this gives us control of everything else! Join Sarah as she spreads the g...
The Power of Listening
Listening is a skill that can be learnt, practised and mastered. It pays huge dividends, as it leads to understanding, empathy, knowledge and wisdom. Join Sarah as she opens a magical doorway into the powerful and ...
Grow in Wisdom rather than Gather More Information
Information is all around us, readily available, information that we store as knowledge. Wisdom, however, is something of a different order. Join Sarah as she explores the nature of wisdom and how to effectively an...
A New Path to Fearlessness
Living fearlessly is what we all want. Stepping past our insecurities and anxieties to be our best confident and courageous selves. Join Sarah as she discusses a new way of understanding fearlessness and leads an e...
Is the Present Moment Just for the Privileged Few?
Everyone talks about the importance of living in the Now, why is it so important? Join Sarah as she delves into this important aspect of mindfulness and living in the Here and Now. She also leads an easy guided awa...
Living with Intention – It’s an Inside Job!
How do we break free of habit, of the repetitive treadmill? One way is to discover and to use the power of intention. Join Sarah as she unlocks this magic key to freedom. Watch Here:
Living from the Inside Out
Are our problems caused by things outside ourselves, or by our attitude? Do we have the power to change the world by changing ourselves? Join Sarah as she explores the intriguing possibilities of living from the in...
Who Is It That Can Tell Me Who I Am?
Who am I? Am I my name, my body, my thoughts and feelings, maybe a combination of all of them or am I something else entirely? Join Sarah as she asks the important questions, and helps us find a way to an answer.
Smooth Sailing? How to Navigate Life’s Transitions with Special Guest Sarah Mane of Damay...
The key question we all face is how to deal with change and life’s challenges. How do we maintain our equilibrium and our self-confidence s we pass through the many transitions of life? Join Dr Pa...
The Secret Doorway to Peace, Strength and Harmony
Life can seem an endless roundabout, swinging from happiness to pain, light to dark, strength to fear. The wise however hold out the promise of another kind of life of limitless freedom and joy. Join Sa...
Coming Home to Yourself – The Secret to True Empowerment
Do you have a niggling feeling that there’s something more or maybe something is missing in your life? There are many powerful stories over the ages of a journey home. Join Sarah as she uses the power of thes...
Focus Your Energy, Unify Your Heart and Mind, and Your Life
Do you feel weak and powerless? Are you confused and undermined by the sentences running in your head? Join Sarah as she shows you how to master the simple techniques of focussing your power of attention, and unify...
Taking Action for Freedom – My Story
Join Sarah as she tells the story of her ‘Aha’ moment. She describes a quiet mountain retreat for musicians that turned into a lifelong passion to offer the incomparable timeless wisdom of Sanskri...
The Power of Your Resonance to Change Your World
We all have the power to change our world. Advice and guidance from timeless wisdom is all around us wherever we look. In this episode Sarah will open the door to the power of emotional resonance by looking at the ...
From Teacher to Executive Coach to Damayanti – how I wrote a new chapter in my life ...
I have followed my own soul journey. I moved through different professions and careers, all the while holding fast to a vision that guided my steps. Join me as I relate how I wrote each new chapter in my life, and ...