Archived Episodes
The Domino Effect of Change: Just Make the First Move
In this deep and rich episode, I will be interviewing British Business Coach Sara Wisneski, about her discovery of the Domino Effect of Change, how one brave change created a cascade of other changes that completel...
Change is the Only Constant in the Universe…So Why are We so Afraid of It?
In this mindblowing episode, we are going to take a deep dive into the concept of change. Change is the only constant in the Universe and yet is scares us. Let's explore why this is true and how we can ...
Self-Care Boot Camp: Your Mind-Body-Spirit Power Moves
In this episode I am going to pump up your personal power as I teach you simple, yet powerful practices that can create better health, Mind-Body-Spirit & Emotion. When we are centered, grounded, and calm,...
How to Get It Done: Let's Explore the 15-Minute Method!
In this episode mind blowing epsidode I will be exploring, with my very special guest, Samantha Bennett, the real secrets to creativity and productivity. Sam an I will be unpacking her latest book
Discover Your Inner Guidance System & Empower Your Life.
In this episode, I am going to blow your mind as I guide you to move beyond your conscious mind to the deep Inner Wisdom within you. Connection to your Intuition & Inner Guidance System can increase your ...
Encore: What does it feel like to Embody Your Power? Trilogy of Conscious Series Part 3
“No one is you and that is your Power” When you discover and embody this key aspect of yourself, nothing can you hold you back any further from showing up in this world uniquely you! Learn how to find t...
The Ingredients of Self-Confidence. Let's stir it up and learn how to increase it!
Self- confidence is learning to be secure in yourself and your abilities. And if we were to take it a step further….I would add that it is the ability to TRUST YOURSELF. To believe in your ca...
Self-Love 101
When talking about Self-Love, it can feel so daunting when we're "not there yet". It's like asking someone to marry you on the first date... too soon! So if you wonder how you can love yourse...
What if all goes well?
Give yourself permission to dream about the best case scenarios instead of worry about the worst, so that you can uplift your mood and embrace life in harmony and hope.
How you can transition from surviving to thriving
In this challenging year you may be doing everything you can do to survive. However, what if you could do more than just survive, what if you could thrive. You can, and you can start today. You sh...
What does it feel like to Embody Your Power? Trilogy of Conscious Series Part 3
“No one is you and that is your Power” When you discover and embody this key aspect of yourself, nothing can you hold you back any further from showing up in this world uniquely you! Learn how to find t...
Lack of Confidence
What you think of yourself affects your self-esteem and self-confidenceDon't allow accomplishments to validate your worthBe your own biggest hype man This podcast is recorded in f...
Revealing the Amazing you
We’ve all learned to hide in life. We’ve learned to not speak up, not stand out, not to bring attention to ourselves in fear of what others will think, say or do. So much energy is wasted putting up pro...
Have More Confidence with Nancy Martin
Do you wish you had more confidence? Do you watch others and catch yourself wondering how can they be so confident? Why is being confident even important? In this episode I have an incredible guest Nancy Martin and...
Confidence Lost / Confidence Found with author Kate McGuinness
A fascinating journey of success and prestige, love, loss and despair and finally reinvention and empowerment. Kate gives us powerful suggestions to reclaim the unstoppable you!
How to Keep Going When the Times Get Tough
You may have the best dreams and intentions in the world. However, if you don’t keep going you will never reach them. What makes you stop working on a goal? What can you do differently to maintain...
Encore: Conscious Confidence: Use the Wisdom of Sanskrit to Find Clarity and Success with...
In Conscious Confidence, Sanskrit scholar Sarah Mane offers a practical confidence-boosting program, derived from the deepest meanings of Sanskrit concepts, to help you establish a safe and secure reference point f...
Dream Bigger and Have the Courage to Go after Your True Desires
I challenge you to dream bigger. You should not settle. Instead you should make big plans, have big dreams, know you can make a difference, and you can accomplish great things. It doesn’t ma...
Conscious Confidence: Use the Wisdom of Sanskrit to Find Clarity and Success with Special...
In Conscious Confidence, Sanskrit scholar Sarah Mane offers a practical confidence-boosting program, derived from the deepest meanings of Sanskrit concepts, to help you establish a safe and secure reference point f...
Make Next Year Your Best One Yet
You may be the type of person who loves welcoming in a new year and making resolutions. This time of year brings energy and excitement, full of unboundless possibilities of what the new year could bring. ...
Get Unstuck - Make the Decision and Move Your Life Forward
Do you currently feel stuck? And could this be because you are having a hard time making a decision that could bring change to your life? You are not alone, as the average person spends 122 minutes a day proc...
Take Control - Say Yes to Your Life
Are you waiting for someone else to give you permission? Or are you taking control to live the life you want? Too often we wait for someone else to tell us it is ok, to be the judge if something is acceptable, and ...
Encore: The Seven Steps from Inspiration to Transformation
Transforming our worry and lack of self-confidence into inner-strength and resilience may seem a random and chaotic journey. There are actually seven steps or gateways to any transformation. Learn about these seven...
On the Edge of Empowerment!
Master Healer, Megan Edge, and Transformation Talk Radio’s Founder, Dr. Pat, will dive into the timely subject of Empowerment and discuss what are the traumas in our lives that create the “I’m Not...