Dynamic Destiny with Coach Pete : Give your life away to find it

Dynamic Destiny with Coach Pete : Give your life away to find it

  07/15/2020  09:00 am PDT

Dynamic Destiny with Coach Pete : Give your life away to find itAs we wrap up this season of Dynamic Destiny, the paradox of discovering your destiny is that it's not about you - it's about serving others.  My guest, Juan Galloway, is a great example of this.


Juan serves as the President and CEO of New York City Relief, a ministry to the homeless of NYC.  Together, we'll unpack a powerful paradox, that when we work hard to make a great life we often come up empty.  But, when we focus on others we find true fulfillment.


New York City Relief:  https://newyorkcityrelief.org/

Juan's book, Provoked:  https://newyorkcityrelief.org/merch


pete cafarchio host on transformation talk radio

Pete Cafarchio

Dynamic Destiny with Coach Pete   Coach Pete wants to help you unpack your powerful potential. What’s your purpose in life? How can you leverage your specifi...

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 Juan Galloway

Juan Galloway

Rev. Juan Galloway is President and CEO of New York City Relief, a mobile outreach that compassionately serves the struggling and homeless by offering hope and resources tha...

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