Archived Episodes
Will you get dementia? New insights!
So many people have asked us about getting dementia because it seems like one of the biggest fears people have as they age. Can lifestyle like, diet and exercise prevent dementia? Th...
The secret to life – fairytales talk about this!
In this show, we talk about the Secret to Life that fairy tales have talked about forever! We’ll explain how these secrets are available to everyone but the way they have communicate...
Planetary Energies – greatest hits!
This show is a repeat of other shows we’ve done about Planetary Energies! Next Monday is a holiday and we took clips of some of our old shows about these energies and put them ...
Intuitive Person? Are you a square peg in a round hole?
Are you an intuitive person?? Are you more comfortable with feelings and emotions than facts and data? It’s likely that you feel like a square peg in a round hole ALL your life...
Time Travel – for everyone! (repeat)
We’ve talked about time travel before. In this show we’ll talk about how to use it for everyone and how its universally practical for day-to-day activities. Going back in...
Carbon footprint – major missing piece!
Understanding your carbon footprint is important for your personal life, for businesses, and large organizations and governments. However, there is a major missing piece that keeps g...
Time Travel – for everyone!
We’ve talked about time travel before. In this show we’ll talk about how to use it for everyone and how its universally practical for day-to-day activities. Going back in...
Intuition Development – Big Breakthrough!
We will dispel many misconceptions around intuition! It takes two married Intuitives with over 25 year’s experience, to pull back the curtain to see how it really works! We&rsq...
Are you playing the game of life. . . without knowing the REAL rules?
We’ve all been taught the game of life! But do will really know the rules or have we been tricked and deceived about what the rules really are?? As Intuitives, we have the abil...
Dementia Lessons – an Intuitive perspective!
We’ve been taking care of my mother who has dementia and is deaf for 10 years now. We have recently seen angry outbursts and hallucinations but instead of seeing them as a norm...
Personality Uncovered – radical tools for behavior!
Your personality is like a mini solar system with your Essence (soul) at the center and is influenced by external energies according to your individual uniqueness! Much of the extern...
Programing – why is it toxic for you?
I’m crazy for doing this show! Programing today is common place and who are we to say no or there is a better way?? What about all the scientists who advocate for programing methods ...
Creating Clearing Statements - in depth!
We have talked about removing or clearing negative energy for a long time. However, this show will help those who are just starting and even those who have been doing this for awhile...
Aging – a radical approach!
There is so much written today about aging gracefully and being healthy as you age but most of this information has it backwards and is largely superficial! We have a unique perspect...
What is The Ecosystem Approach? Is this the best way to live?
We understand that human beings are individual ecosystems contrast that with most Self-help and self-improvement programs as well as metaphysical and energy programs that use techniques th...
Levelheaded - there is a downside!
If you’re like me, you’ve heard the benefits of being levelheaded! It seems like it is a trait that is put on a pedestal that to be respected and admired! However, there ...
Q&A for Jason and Patricia – continued!
We started to talk about questions that people have asked us over the years and this show is a continuation of that show. We didn’t have enough time last time and we’ll s...
Self-hate, shame and body image issues
Self-hate and shame are epidemic in the America. It’s a major part of the mental health crisis that seems vague and difficult to define. Women and men struggle with body ...
Delusions, Hallucinations – could they have meaning?
Our experience with delusions and hallucinations come from experience with my mother who has dementia! We take them seriously and use the information to unpack her emotional story tha...
Possessive Love – energy taking by loved ones!
This type of love is modeled by so many parents and as children become adults it should be no surprise that they see possessiveness as love and even the way love should be. The only ...
Q&A for Jason and Patricia – how spicy are we?
It’s time to answer some questions that we have received over the years. We are always talking about energy work but now is the time to get personal and see how this work has a...
5 Levels of Wealth? Another perspective?
I recently read this article about the stages of wealth and at first blush it made sense, but when I applied my knowledge of human beings using refined intuition a much different picture e...
Magical thinking – make it work for you!
We all do magical thinking at some time, like ‘wishing on a star”! What is it and is it instinctive and natural for human beings? Can we transform it into reality and something...
Personal Evolution – versus the Age Aquarius
The idea that we’re in a new age and things are changing is commonly talked about today. We have talked a lot about the Age of Aquarius and the changes that are likely to happe...