Archived Episodes

The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

How to Deal with Difficult People

We all have to deal with difficult people at times – whether it's an argument at home, a challenging situation at work , or something else. Often it feels like it would just be easier to ignore such people or... 

  Saturday, July 20, 2024

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

Tips about working with Spirit Guides

Tips about working with Spirit Guides   Last month Richard was visited by a Buddhist Lama from the afterlife! It is another inspiring story of a contact with someone who has passed on and is no... 

  Saturday, July 6, 2024

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

How to think about money

How to think about money&nb... 

  Saturday, June 22, 2024

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

Experiencing Timelessness

When we dumb down profound wisdom, we dumb down our perception of our Divine potential. Whereas when we study and realize profound truth, we realize our Divine potential more deeply. This week's episode is about go... 

  Saturday, June 8, 2024

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

The search for a deeper understanding of evolution

This week we continue with the second instalment of our two-part show about spiritual evolution! Back in September last year Richard shared an incredible personal story : a cosmic realization about the purpose of l... 

  Saturday, May 25, 2024

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

The search for a deeper understanding of evolution

Back in September last year Richard shared an incredible personal story : a cosmic realization about the purpose of life - in one word -  

  Saturday, May 11, 2024

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

The road to ascension

Contrary to a lot of the noise you may hear in the New Age Community, there is no shortcut to Ascension. No one graduates from the classroom called Earth with anything less than perfect marks: complete mastery over... 

  Saturday, April 27, 2024

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

Key to higher consciousness

Lots of people talk about "raising consciousness"; sometimes our own consciousness, sometimes global consciousness. But what does it actually mean? Doesn't it seem a bit vague? I am not generally a big fan of vague... 

  Saturday, April 13, 2024

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

Finding Your People

Loneliness affects us all on the spiritual path at one time or another. In large part because this is a very unspiritual world and truly spiritual people are still in a small minority. But, even though it may be di... 

  Saturday, March 30, 2024

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

Truth Is

Many people talk about "their truth" as if there is no such thing as the truth. But the truth will be the truth whether we believe it or not, like it or not, etc. And a love for the truth is essential if we wish to... 

  Saturday, March 16, 2024

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

How to make a connection with a real spiritual master

The relationship between Master and disciple is not like teacher and pupil at school. It is a form of magic. A metaphysical link is formed, through which the disciple can advance by the very presence of the Master.... 

  Saturday, March 2, 2024

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

What is a genuine spiritual master really like

What is a genuine spiritual master really like? Richard spent more than 20 years working very closely with Master of Yoga Dr. George King – a man of extraordinary spiritual powers and wisdom. In this week's s... 

  Saturday, February 17, 2024

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

An Enlightened View on Sin

"Sin" is one of those loaded words. It calls to mind images of fanatical churchmen preaching fire and brimstone to their cowering congregations. No surprise that a lot of the dogma about sin is plain wrong. Eternal... 

  Saturday, February 3, 2024

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

An Enlightened View on Sin

"Sin" is one of those loaded words. It calls to mind images of fanatical churchmen preaching fire and brimstone to their cowering congregations. No surprise that a lot of the dogma about sin is plain wrong. Eternal... 

  Saturday, January 20, 2024

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

Doormat or doorway to Enlightenment?

There is a wrong idea that service to others somehow involves subjugating yourself to others' needs. Or that it means bending over backwards to accommodate people's demands with some sort of robotic-like obedience.... 

  Saturday, January 6, 2024

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

Intelligent life in our Solar System

It’s fair to say that most scientists searching for extraterrestrial life are searching for life as we know it. There are a handful of scientists that are searching for life not 

  Saturday, December 9, 2023

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

Do material things matter on the spiritual path

#119 Do material things matter on the spiritual path? Is it “unspiritual” to think about money? Does that make you materialistic? Tune in to this week’s episode for a discussion with Ric... 

  Saturday, November 25, 2023

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

Israel-Hamas War - The Spiritual Answer

This week we get right down to the biggest story in the news: the Israel-Hamas war. It's not about choosing sides – it's about recognizing that God is all, and acting in the light of that to help bring a... 

  Saturday, November 11, 2023

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

What do dreams really mean?

Check out this week's episode for a discussion about what happens when we dream and what you can do to live in a more conscious way – 24 hours per day. 

  Saturday, November 4, 2023

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

Psychic Powers for spiritual workers

Anyone can develop psychic powers – and the best reason to develop them is to do more to help other people. Check out this week's episode for expert guidance from Richard about equipping yourself as a sp... 

  Saturday, October 28, 2023

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

What is psychic vision really like?

So what is it really like to see something or someone psychically – rather than with your physical eyes? And what are you actually seeing? In this week's episode I talk to Richard about his decades of experie... 

  Saturday, October 21, 2023

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

Psychic Powers: Fact vs Fiction

There is still a lot of mystery surrounding psychic powers and, because of that, a lot of misconceptions too. If they are real, how do they actually work? Join me for a conversation with Richard Lawrence ... 

  Saturday, October 14, 2023

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

Want to be psychic?

- In this week’s episode we talk about getting started with psychic powers, what yoga has to do with developing your psychic abilities, and some dos and don’ts to look out for in the beginning. 

  Saturday, October 7, 2023

Host: Richard Lawrence

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The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence

ET Contactees: Genuine, fake or simply deluded?

These days there are lots of psychic mediums who claim to be in contact with beings from other worlds – and even other star systems throughout our Galaxy. But how many are genuine contacts How can you tell if... 

  Saturday, September 30, 2023

Host: Richard Lawrence

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