Vibrant Powerful Moms with Debbie Pokornik - Helping Everyday Women Create Extraordinary Lives!: Encore: Recovering Your Sense of Self in Motherhood and Beyond with Franziska Stahmann

Vibrant Powerful Moms with Debbie Pokornik - Helping Everyday Women Create Extraordinary Lives!: Encore: Recovering Your Sense of Self in Motherhood and Beyond with Franziska Stahmann

  02/05/2019  10:30 am PDT

It's easy for women, moms especially, to lose that deep core connection with themselves and start to feel like they are somehow not worthy, too busy or it would be selfish for them to look after their own needs first. In this episode Franziska shares how to re-establish this self-care link.


Debbie Pokornik

Debbie Pokornik

Vibrant, Powerful Moms with Debbie Pokornik - Helping Everyday Women Create Extraordinary Lives!  Often it is the simple, little things you do every day that will have ...

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 Franziska Stahmann

Franziska Stahmann

Franziska Stahmann has dedicated the last 20 years of her life to travel, natural living and self development. On her path to self-discovery she spent many days at silence r...

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